Our Expertise

Turkish Citizenship by Investment

Applying for Turkish Citizenship through Investment is one of the fastest application options we process.

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Real Estate and Rental Law

We represent property owners, tenants, investors,lending institutions in the real estate sector.

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Family Law

We represent our clients in all disputes arising from family lawclosely monitor the process of taking necessary legal measures.

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Consumer Law

We provide legal counseling within the framework of lawsregulationsrepresent our clients as attorneys in consumer disputes.

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Inheritance Law

As Muharem Cinpolat Law Firm, we provide legal consultancy and litigation services to our clients in all disputes and disputes arising from inheritance law.

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Enforcement & Bankruptcy Law

We provide services to our lawyers in the management of consultancylitigation processes within the framework of the Execution Law

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Commercial Law

We provide legal services for our clients in matters of commercial disputes, no matter what their business area is.

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Compensation Law

We provide our clients with our deep knowledgeexpertise in every avenue they are entitled to compensation.

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Contracts Law

As Muharrem Çinpolat Law Firm, we provide services in the preparation of contracts in accordance with the needs and demands of our customers.

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Law of Obligations

We provide services to our clients in accordance with the Turkish Code of Obligations within the framework of their debt relationships that they are involved in.

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Labor Law

We provide legal consulting services for theregulation of the relationship between the employeethe employerthe resolution of disputes in labor law.

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Citizenship Law

As Muharrem Çinpolat Law Firm, we provide citizenship law consultancy services to our clients with our expert lawyer staff.

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Our Expertise

The Muharrem Çinpolat Law Office aims to provide quick solutions that are suitable for the needs of its represented clients and to present the most appropriate solution by identifying legal risks. Our most important principle is to transparently explain the legal risks of the situation in which our clients are involved.

You can call us +90 212 635 11 10 to meet with our lawyers

Attorney | Attorney Muharrem | Contracts Lawyer » en.muharremcinpolat.av.tr