Enforcement & Bankruptcy Law

Enforcement & Bankruptcy Law

As Muharrem Çinpolat Law Office, we provide services to our clients who are legal entities and individuals in the management of consultancy, execution and litigation processes within the framework of the Execution and Bankruptcy Law and other relevant legislation. If we were to summarize our activities in the field of law, they would be as follows;


Execution law is a field that enables the collection of receivables arising from reasons such as invoices, bills of exchange (checks, promissory notes, etc.), credit agreements, mortgages, alimony, accumulated rent receivables, court judgments, etc. of real and legal persons of private law (individuals, companies, banks, etc.) through the compulsory execution channel of the state. In other words, if the debtor does not pay their debts voluntarily, the creditor can collect their receivable through the pressure of seizure by using the compulsory execution power of the state, which is possible through execution law. Although the collection of money is generally understood with execution law, it also covers subjects such as delivery of movable property, delivery of children, establishment of personal relations with children, performance or non- performance of a task, evacuation of immovable properties, and execution of judgments related to easement rights.

İcra Hukuku

-To collect our clients' receivables, we apply for enforcement proceedings in the enforcement office, including both judgment-based and non- judgment-based methods, seizure through bills of exchange (such as promissory notes, checks, and bills), follow-up through the conversion of collateral to cash, and we handle the preparation and monitoring of the entire process. We also resort to provisional seizure procedures.

-Performing objection procedures for debt andenforcement proceedings.

- Performing objection procedures for debt andenforcement proceedings.

- Cancellation of objections and lawsuits, cases related to dishonored checks, applications for provisional seizure, lawsuits for recovery, negative determination lawsuits, lawsuits for cancellation of transactions, cases of abuse of bailment, cases for annulment of auctions, cases related to enforcement penalties, and follow-up of all cases falling under the jurisdiction of enforcement courts.

- To participate in auctions conducted through the Enforcement Office.

- Registration of receivables with the bankruptcy estate.

- The issuance of bills of exchange

- The preparation of concordat agreements and the registration of claims by attending creditors' meetings during the concordat process.

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