Citizenship Law

Citizenship Law

At Muharrem Çinpolat Law Office, we provide legal consultancy services on foreigner law, citizenship law, and foreign investment consultancy to both individuals and legal entities with our expert team of lawyers.

Citizenship is a concept that refers to an individual's connection to a particular state, and  while granting certain rights to the citizen, it also imposes certain obligations on them. The relationship between a person and a state can be established either at birth or after birth. The citizenship that a person acquires at the moment of birth or due to birth is called primary citizenship, while the citizenship that a person acquires for a reason other than birth is called acquired citizenship. Citizenship law is the branch of law that regulates the rules related to individuals rights and obligations regarding citizenship.

Citizenship Law


Recent events both globally and especially in our region have once again highlighted the importance of Turkish citizenship. As a result of the civil war in Middle Eastern countries, our country has faced a significant wave of immigration by foreigners who want to come to Turkey. Although these foreigners may have obtained short-term residence permits or temporary protection documents, foreign investors in particular wish to acquire Turkish citizenship.

Especially with the Presidential Decree that entered into force on September 18, 2018 and September 19, 2018, changes were made to the Regulation on the Implementation of Turkish Citizenship, and this change has been in favor of foreign investors. The investment amounts and volume of investment have been made more accessible for foreigners who want to invest in Turkey. The investment amounts and volume have been made more affordable for foreigners who want to invest in Turkey.

-Providing assistance to foreigners who want to live in Turkey, including applying for and monitoring the process of residency permits and extensions.

-Under the scope of the Turkish Citizenship Law numbered 5901, application for citizenship on behalf of foreigners who want to acquire Turkish citizenship, and management of the process until its finalization.

-For legal entities subject to the Direct Foreign Investment Law No. 4875, the application for work permits for foreign nationals to be employed by them, the follow-up of the process, and the application and process follow-up for family residence permits for the spouse and children of those who will obtain a work permit in Turkey.

-The application process and follow-up of exemption from VAT payable by non-resident foreigners in Turkey for the purchase of real estate in Turkey under Article 13/i of the Value Added Tax Law No. 3065.

-Application and process follow-up for Turquoise Card in accordance with the International Labor Law No. 6735.

- Submitting dual citizenship application and following up the process

- Monitoring of purchase and sale transactions of foreign individuals and legal entities in Turkey, as well as preparation of contracts related to renting of real estate.

- Provision of advisory services on inheritance law in Turkey to foreign individuals, ensuring the protection of their rights and following up on the process.

- Assisting foreign individuals with the general process of acquiring Turkish citizenship and following up on the related procedures (such as acquiring Turkish citizenship through marriage or by foreign nationals with work permits, acquiring Turkish citizenship through paternity, acquiring Turkish citizenship by purchasing immovable property at a required amount and meeting the condition of 5 years of residency.

-processing and tracking exceptional cases for foreign nationals to obtain Turkish citizenship(such as acquiring Turkish citizenship through investment, the process of Syrian nationals under temporary protection to obtain Turkish citizenship, individuals who create at least 50 jobs obtaining Turkish citizenship, etc.)

-Providing consultancy on types of residencepermits.

-Short-term residence permit

-Long-term residence permit

-Family residence permit

-Student residence permit

-Humanitarian residence permit

-Residence permit for victims of human trafficking. 

Since each application process mentioned above involves a considerable amount of detail, it is important to seek the legal support of a lawyer working in this field.

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